Helping Hands: How to Support Erika (me)

 How to Support Erika

 A Guide to Supporting Erika, her community, and friends

Financial Links:

PayPal  - This is a way of helping me financially through donations for various expenses or to arrange payment for consulting, editing, and writing services. It is completely voluntary, but it helps a lot because of my limited interaction with biological family and reliance on my community of chosen family. I try to lessen my impact on chosen family in any way I possibly can. If I ever have anything left over, I donate it to people in need. 

Ko-fi - This is a site where you can support my freelance work and commission work to be done. It provides an organized way to contract freelance editing, writing, and other types of writing-based projects with me and provide accountability for those projects being done. I prefer to use this website when it comes to commissions because I like to show that I am accountable. I need to use the feature to share with people that donate more often, but I am trying to remember that people do care about those type of updates.

CashApp - $ErikaStardust

Venmo - @heghog

    Emotional Support:

If you want to help with employment leads, referrals, resources to help develop myself as an activist and writer, please tweet at me: @StardustEtoile
I value emotional support as much as financial because it provides me with a way to be independent without feeling like a burden on other people. Nothing is too small. I'm in need of a writing mentor and older folks who can guide me to climbing out of poverty and respecting my disability limitations. 

    Impact of Help:

Various fundraising efforts have helped me retain housing, pay dental insurance, storage unit fees, medication fees, dental fillings, medical procedures, medical blood tests, rent, utilities, basic needs, school fees, and food. Anything helps, but I am fortunate to have a good community of friends that are local to me. Sadly, COVID has restricted this community and I am forced to ask for more help than I feel comfortable with on a personal level. I am an abuse survivor and I am trying to be independent from all members of my biological family. This is incredibly difficult given that I have had cancer scares, a new endometriosis diagnosis, medication changes, and have been job searching for months. 

I want to thank everyone that helps me. I am eternally grateful for the various communities that step up to adopt and help me. I've made many friends and those friends are the gift that keeps me fighting for a better life. I want to give all of this back. 

Erika, late 2019, pictured on a French train to Paris


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